News Semedorato

Great success of the new Himera Craft Beer

The intense taste obtained thanks to barley malt from sustainable agriculture and the special limpidity with a slight opalescence...

Birra Semedorato

The intense taste obtained thanks to barley malt from sustainable agriculture and the special limpidity with a slight opalescence have meant that the first production of unfiltered and unpasteurized Himera craft beer was almost completely sold-out in a short time.Himera Sicilian Craft Beer was born from the fifty-year experience of the master brewer Amelio Giust and is different from all other Craft Beers in that it is obtained by a long and special maturation in the fermentation vats below zero degrees, to make sure that the yeasts decant and can be deposited, hence the special clarity and the genuine flavor of the particular Himera Beer that until now had never been found in other craft beers.The Semedorato brewery was founded in the form of a startup in the province of Caltanissetta about five years ago and precisely in Sommatino in August 2014. The great quality of the beer combined with the knowledge acquired over the years by the master brewer Giust and the sales manager Gravagna as well as the entrepreneurial experience of Francesco Indorato and his team of partners have meant that in a few years the brand Semedorato beer has spread with great success throughout the Sicilian territory, as well as in Italy and abroad, placing a strong imprint of quality, professionalism, vision of the brewing market and considerable attention to consumer needs. The history of Semedorato beer is already full of awards and acclaim from all over the world, with a clientele faithfully linked to its uniqueness and extreme quality constant over time.In addition to Italy, beers find their way into many foreign countries, including France, Holland, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Panama, Canada and the United States.Our Craft BeerCraft Beer differs from industrial beer in that it is not filtered or pasteurized and the brewery from which it is produced does not exceed 200,000 hectoliters of production.The basic element is barley malt to which hops, yeast and water are added.Even if the artisan beer is more easily perishable, it keeps inside a remarkable added value given by the naturalness of the processing.The whole yeast cells and unfiltered particles give the product an intense and tasty taste. Genuineness reflects the integrity of atavistic beer [or its origins], when the drink was called 'liquid bread'.because it provided excellent nutritional characteristics.The presence of vitamins in particular of group B, of natural antioxidants that help prevent cardiovascular disease, of mineral salts and potassium as well as the medicinal benefits of hops make unfiltered and unpasteurized beer a very useful food in a healthy and balanced diet.A special long lasting maturation in the vats means that the yeasts are decanted and can be deposited and from this comes the special clarity and the particular genuine flavor that until now had never been found in other craft beers.The name HimeraThe name Himera recalls that of a city founded in 648 BC by exiles from Zancle (now Messina) and Syracuse.The civilization was located on the north coast of the island, in the current territory between Termini Imerese and Cefalù, at the mouth of the river of the same name. Himera is also the name of the epic battle in which the inhabitants of Sicily faced and defeated the Carthaginians.To celebrate the victory new temples were built and the city lived for years in prosperity developing the territory with scientific, artistic and cultural activities.Himera is also the name of the river that flows through the valleys where our beer is produced:The southern Imera or Salso Himeras is Sicily's main waterway in length. The rocks of the areas that the river crosses in its path, release over time the potash salts and rock salt that enrich the water.This is also the case of the Madonie spring water, which, together with the natural mineral salts, is used for the production of the Semi-drilled Artisan Beer called Himera.From Greek, Iméra means day. So light, sun, life.Himera is the beer of those who from Sicily, of its great history, culture, traditions, want to grasp feelings and live emotions, with its light, its sun, its magical scents, life ... from the enchanted valley of Himera.Himera BeerProduced with the best barley malt and hops, expertly created by the hands of our master brewer, Amelio Giust, after more than 50 years of experience and awards received in Europe: Himera is another seal of his already amazing career, a further tip of pride and satisfaction for those who have given so much love to beer become the goal, the mission, scientific research and the creation of new beers of the highest quality, unique, precious, for true connoisseurs (Golden Seed Doppelbock docet)....

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