News Semedorato

The blond beer of Semedorato changes its look. A little secret and a lot of Sicilian pride

New label, a little secret and a lot of Sicilian pride.

Birra Semedorato

A new label with blue, white and red, the colors of the Altavilla coat of arms; with the triskelion, symbol of the Trinacria and with the geographical representation of Sicily in the center. Vespers, “ COMMERCIALS ”, of Semedorato begin with the new Premium Lager, REVISITED in the recipe and in the “ dress ”, wearing its own clothes for identity à territorial, but not only. In addition to the design that will change the look of the bottles destined for the horeca channel also changes the content. The blonde beer, the main brand of the Sommatino plant, has an alcohol content of 5.1% and includes a little secret in the selection of malts and hops. A result obtained thanks to the latest insights of Amelio Giust ... Read article on " Meravigliosa Sicilia "....

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